The Easiest And Best Way To Save And Make Money Online While Shopping At Your Favorite Store. Rakuten Review and How I Get Paid To Shop.

Free - everybody loves the word ‘free’ but sometimes when you see ‘free money’ online you know it might be some scam and so your heart starts to cringe. Though in some cases there are actually ways to earn money for free and Rakuten is one of the legit ways.
What is Rakuten?
Well Rakuten (formerly known as Ebates) is one of the biggest websites which help people get cashback, rewards and deals shopping online. The company has helped 12 million people in the U.S alone earn over $1 billion in cash back at popular stores. It gives you money for making purchases through their website or by using their browser extension, they have partnerships with over 2,500 retailers example: Amazon, Old Navy, Walmart, Target, Nike, Best Buy and the list goes on. You make cash back on almost any purchases you make online between 1% and 40% and I have used it on many things from travel, home décor, restaurants to clothing for almost a year now and have made over $500 cashback using Rakuten.
Rakuten Business Model
Rakuten gets a referral fee from the store it has partnered with when someone buys something with Rakuten activated, they then share and split this referral fee with you and that is how customers get cashback using Rakuten. The popularity of Rakuten allows them to drive significant traffic to their retailer partners and so they are happy to give a percentage of their sales. Rakuten pays you out once a quarter with their payment dates on the 15th of the following months: February, May, August and November . They pay you through PayPal or mail you a physical check.
How To Get Started
Rakuten is 100% free, no costs or hidden fees and this is because retailers pay Rakuten to refer people to their store. Consumers get a split from rakuten and these cashback varies from retailers and stores.
To register on their website is fast and easy all you need is an email and a password. You don’t need a bank card or credit card, all you do to get paid is provide a PayPal or mailing address.
On their website you will see stores they have partnered with and you can search for a specific store or their site for discounts and promotions. They make it easy to shop by category, hot deals, double cash back stores, and more. When you click at a particular store, Rakuten will direct you to that store’s site through their site. It is the same thing as if you had gone to that store’s website originally and if you don’t want to navigate to Rakuten every time, you can always install their chrome browser extension.
Rakuten Browser Extension
One of the best things about Rakuten is their Chrome or browser extension, when you first register and sign in for the first time, they will prompt to install the Rakuten cashback button plugin all you do is download and install the browser extension and if you enter on one of their partnered stores you will get a pop up message on how much cash back you will get on the top left of your screen and all you do is click activate to use the cashback. This helps a lot because sometimes you can forget to enter through Rakuten website to get cashback on your online purchases.
Currently, Chrome, Edge, FireFox, and Safari are supported with the browser extension.
Rakuten Mobile App
With Rakuten mobile app you can choose the retailer from within the app to start your shopping trip. You will then get a notification within the window to let you know that the cash back has been activated. After that notification, you will be directed to the retailer site. From here, you would just purchase as usual. Any cash back will be tracked and added to your account upon completion of the purchase.
Rakuten Referral and bonuses
Another fun bonus feature Rakuten has is their reward program where you earn $25 for every friend you refer. It is actually a pretty cool referral program; you refer friends to use Rakuten and the best part is they get $10 on their first purchase of $25 or more. That is actually a sweet win-win for everyone.
By the way if you have not signed up for Rakuten you can sign up through my referral link and you will get $10 off your first $25 purchase from any store on Rakuten!
Rakuten also has hot deals you can learn more about like Free Gifts, Free shipping, gift cards, Buy One Get One (BOGO), In-Store cashbacks and double cashback promotions.
Rakuten Security
Rakuten is a very secure site. They do not require that you enter any payment information to use their services. You only need an email address. Rakuten is certified as compliant by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI). They are also accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Rakuten has an excellent user rating on Trustpilot.
Tips and Tricks
The cool thing about Rakuten is when the store you are visiting are having sales or discounts you get to get that and Rakuten cashback plus Rakuten always updates you about latest discounts, sales and cashbacks. One trick I like to do is when I know I want to purchase an item and I know they never go on sale like for example let us say I want to purchase Apple Airpods, I just go to Rakuten website and type it in and it will give you different stores with their percentage cashback including top stores, so you can find for example Amazon or ebay are having 20% cashback today and you can use that to your advantage by just going to that store search for that product and kaching you just saved and earned money.
Feel free to use my referral link and get $10 off your first $25 purchase.
